Soy  Lucia Kahn, ¡hola!

I´m of German ascendence.  Therefore, I speak English, Spanish and German.

I´ve been teaching Spanish and English for the last 19 years.-

I am certain my mission in life is to teach, for my motto is: “when

You teach a language, you change a life forever”.  

My hobbies are reading, specially monarchies of the world, and


Some of the

Companies I´ve taught in are Bayer S.A., Novartis Argentina,

YPF, Bristol Myers Squibb, Enargás,Esso, Maersk,  Cargotec,

Grundfos and Spanish at Instituto Cedic, Banco Mundial and Presidency

Phillip Morris.  I´ve been teaching through skype for the last 6 years,