Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology “Spanish is a living, spoken language, it is in constant fluctuation, and it cannot be limited by a book or by 4 classroom walls.” “Having lessons is not enough anymore. This challenging world demands more. Leave the traditional classrooms and dare to live the language in the REAL WORLD!” The success of our learning program lies in this…

Vos o tú ?

¡¡¡¿VOS o TÚ?!!! ¿Qué pronombre usamos en Argentina para la 2nda persona del singular? Los pronombres personales pueden designar  personas, animales o cosas. En Argentina existe “el voceo”, que es el uso del pronombre personal “vos” en lugar de “tú”.     singular plural 1º primera persona yo nosotros, nosotras 2º segunda persona tú =…

Beginners: Mayúsculas y Minúsculas

Do you know how to use capital letters in Spanish? Spanish version and exercises with answers below Words are written in lowercase almost always, including words that in other languages are written in capital letters such as nationalities, days of the week, months and seasons of the year, and cardinal points (with few exceptions) “I…