Beginners: Find the odd word out in Spanish

Are you a beginner student and want to practice your Spanish? start now with this fun exercises! A. Find the odd word out in the following set of Spanish words: feliz , triste, contento, alto, loco. grande, pequeño, aburrido, largo. blanco, azul, celeste, ventana niña, mujer, abuela, hombre manzana, limón, mandarina, pomelo veinte, cuarenta, sesenta,…

Introduce yourself in Spanish language

Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish with this simple dialog!   Here, in this conversion, we have included the personal forms “tú” and “vos”. “Vos” is the form we use in Argentina and Uruguay. “Tú” and “vos” have the same meaning (singular “you”) but they are conjugated differently. However, we all understand and use…

Activities in Buenos Aires

Enjoy the long week end…Fin de semana largo en Buenos Aires!! Take a look below to the TOP 5 activities more voted by our Spanish students and teachers for this 3 days long National Holyday in Argentina. Buenos Aires 2018: free recitals Until October 18 there are more than 800 artistic activities in the Olympic…

Youth Olympic Games 2018 Buenos Aires

Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud 2018 En Buenos Aires!!! Youth Olympic Games 2018 Come to enjoy today with CEDIC Spanish language students and teachers, the inaugural party of the Olympic Games,  from 6:00 PM in the Obelisk, along 9 de Julio Avenue, between Avenida de Mayo and Córdoba Avenue, with free cost entrance open to…

Discover Salta and Buenos Aires

Do you like extremes? Discover Salta and Buenos Aires, the two opposite poles of Argentina that everyone is talking about! SALTA city 1. Architecture, art and culture: Most colonial city of Argentina very well preserved, maintained and clean, to the extreme of astonishing tourists. City with a vibrant culture with numerous institutions that cultivate letters, painting,…

Spanish Vocabulary for begginners: Spring

Spanish Vocabulary for begginners: Spring ¿Qué dices en primavera? En Argentina, el 21 de septiembre comienza la Primavera. Ese día, todos saludamos a nuestros familiares, amigos y conocidos con un “¡Feliz primavera!” Aquí  en Argentina la gente también  acostumbra comprar muchas flores: los novios más románticos les regalan un ramo de flores a sus parejas,…

False cognates, Falsos amigos

They might sound and write in a similar way… but their meaning is completely different!!! Discover the Spanish “false friends” of English, Deutsch, Portugues languages, and avoid embarrassing situations! False friends, or false cognates are those words that, in different languages, are written in a similar way but have completely different meanings. When we do not know…

Movies and Spanish

Let’s go to the cinema to practice Spanish Enjoy all Argentine films…at half price 😉 !!! From August 19th to September 19th, 2018, tickets for national films can be purchased at half price in all cinemas in Argentina. What is it? To celebrate the Month of Argentine Cinema, the Ministry of Culture of the Nation…

Tango lessons and Spanish lessons

Tango lessons and Spanish in Buenos Aires Let´s dance TANGO!!! Do you like tango?…would like to learn more about this emotional and sensual dance, and maybe take some lessons with excellent  teachers? Let´s join us in Buenos Aires at “La Escuela del Tango”, one of the most prestigious Tango Academic in South America, and start…